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We are excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Looking To The Future Capital Campaign. The goal of this 4-year campaign is to raise $3 million dollars to provide funding to complete many vital campus-wide projects. Thank you for your support and participation! |
Please note that we are using our new online Elexio Giving system for this campaign instead of FaithDirect.
St. Lawrence Martyr’s 2023 Campaign, Looking to the Future, seeks to undertake various and substantive repairs and renovations on our campus that will allow us to serve our faith community better. These necessary renovations are a response to concerns from parishioners, aging facilities, and efforts to improve campus safety.
We have categorized our large and diverse project list into three categories:
The campaign is being led by Msgr. Paul and members of our parish staff. We have chosen not to hire an outside consultant firm. Additionally, we are blessed with a committed campaign committee. These parish volunteers and leaders have come forward to lead and assist in implementing this campaign.
St. Lawrence Martyrs 2023 Campaign, Looking to the Future, seeks to undertake various and substantive repairs and renovations on our campus that will allow us to better serve our faith community. These necessary renovations are a response to concerns from parishioners, aging facilities, and efforts to improve campus safety. The campaign will focus on critical issues such as a new heating system in the Church and Hall, and a new A/V system in the Hall while creating a safer and inviting environment in which to gather and celebrate.
We have categorized our large and diverse project list into 3 categories:
Deferred MaintenanceThe goal for the Looking to the Future campaign is $3 million. This total amount also includes the balance of our goal for the Called to Renew Diocesan campaign of $815,000.
The primary focus of our previous campaign was to renovate the Church, which we did. Many of the projects we want to do now have been on our deferred maintenance list for quite some time and desperately need attention. We also want to continue improving the safety and security of our campus while upgrading our spaces to meet the needs of our dynamic parish.
The school offices and library were the focus of the last school remodel. There are new repair issues now needing attention.
Tuition alone does not cover school expenses. SLM School relies on several fundraisers to make up the difference - Golf Tournament, Scrip, Fun Run, Taste of the Bay, Book Fair. These help the school balance its budget. The Taste of the Bay fundraiser includes a Fund a Need campaign to raise funds for a specific school need. Last year, $30,000 was raised to help offset the $100,000 cost to replace windows. This year’s Fund a Need campaign hopes to raise funds to replace the 10+ year-old, outdated SMART Boards. The estimated cost for this specific project is over $60,000.
Of the nearly $3 million collected, almost $2.3 million was spent on the restoration of the church and bell towers. We also paid $255,000 towards our $1.07 million pledge to Called to Renew. Lastly, we spent about $140,000 on new security fencing and gates and remodeling the guest bedrooms in the Rectory.
Yes, absolutely. Money raised from our capital campaigns goes into a separate building fund account and is not commingled with general offertory in any way.
Unfortunately, no. As with most repairs, the longer you wait, the worse the problem gets, and repair costs rise.
We currently have approximately $300,000 in our Building Project fund. Our intention is not to have any debt associated with these projects; therefore, no loan would be necessary.
The campaign is being led by Msgr. Paul and members of our parish staff. We have chosen not to hire an outside consultant firm. Additionally, we are blessed with a committed campaign committee. These parish volunteers and leaders have come forward to lead and assist in the implementation of this campaign.
To give every parishioner the opportunity to contribute to the next generation of Catholics in Redondo Beach, every registered family at St. Lawrence Martyr Catholic Church and School will be asked to consider making a gift or pledge to the campaign. While not all members will be able to give at the same level, each will be asked to make a sacrificial commitment.
St. Lawrence Martyr Catholic Church relies on its offertory for its current ministry and operations. Throughout the campaign, parishioners will be asked to make commitments above and beyond regular giving. Parishioners are asked to not diminish giving to the offertory collection, but rather to consider an increased commitment to the Church. Parishioners are encouraged to continue to embrace stewardship as a way of life and strengthen their vision of what it is to be a member of the Church.
Recognizing that our parish is part of a much larger Catholic community, and that there are needs beyond our own parish, we will dedicate a portion of our campaign funds to support the Archdiocesan campaign Called to Renew. Through this effort, we seek to renew our families, parishes, and community by ensuring that the Church remains vital and active for future generations.
St. Lawrence Martyr’s assessment for Called to Renew is $1,070,000.
We did not reach our $3.6 million goal from the 2018 capital campaign. To date, St. Lawrence has paid $255,000 towards our CTR assessment.
The simplest way to think about this is to define the church as a home. Together in Mission and the weekly parish offertory are used to pay ongoing critical operating expenses such as salaries, insurance, utilities, etc., while campaign funds go towards larger periodic or one-time needs such as putting a new roof on the church, repaving the parking lot, or painting the exterior of the rectory. A recent facilities study confirmed that Archdiocesan parishes and schools require nearly $350 million in deferred maintenance needs.
Strengthening Parishes and Schools - Funds will be used to support parishes and schools with much-needed deferred maintenance projects including repairs to roofs, plumbing, heating and cooling, parking lots, and more.
Serving the Vulnerable - Funds will be used to recruit and train additional hospital chaplains and lay ministers for the Ministry to the Sick and Dying, which provides support and healing to patients and suffering families. Additionally, monies will be allocated to the Restorative Justice Ministry serving those who are imprisoned, as well as their families and victims’ families.
Supporting Priestly Vocations - Funds will be used to construct an additional dormitory at St. John’s Seminary, to create an endowment for the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests, and to support men in formation at the Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation.
Investing in the Faith of Future Generations - Funds will be used to improve parish religious education programs, expand college campus ministry programs, and establish a $40 million scholarship endowment fund at the Catholic Education Foundation.
Area of Need/Allocation | % of Total |
Strengthening Parishes and Schools($375 million)
| 75% |
Serving the Vulnerable
| 6% |
Supporting Priestly Vocations
| 6% |
Investing in the Faith of the Future
| 13% |
Genuine stewardship encourages gifts of equal sacrifice, which are not necessarily gifts of an equal dollar amount. Ultimately, your prayerful discernment will be most appreciated.
Exceeding our goal will allow us to save the funds for future projects!
Pledges can be paid over a 4-year period.
Yes. A donor may fulfill a pledge using a credit card, debit card, or automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account. Donors can simply go online to our website www.STLM.org/campaign to complete their pledge card. Of course, donors may also send checks to the parish, or other types of gifts (see below). All donations to this campaign are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Pledge Cards aid in appropriately recording and acknowledging commitments and in providing donors with a reminder of subsequent payments according to the schedule they request. Donors are asked to sign a Pledge Card indicating that they have authorized the terms of their pledge/gift. A Pledge Card is not a legally binding document.
The campaign accepts gifts of stock and other non-liquid assets, including real estate. Donors wishing to make a gift of stock should contact Jenny Attanasio in the parish office at 310-540-0329.
Yes! RMD tax codes allow for the establishment of a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. A Qualified Charitable Distribution is not taxed, nor is it included in your taxable income. Using a QCD, you accomplish two beneficial objectives ~ donating to St. Lawrence and lowering your taxable income!
Required minimum distributions, or RMDs, are amounts required to be withdrawn from certain tax-advantaged accounts upon reaching age 73 (previously age 72). Those accounts include many popular retirement accounts such as traditional and Roth 401(k)s as well as traditional IRAs.
All donations should be made payable to St. Lawrence Martyr Capital Campaign.
While charitable contributions are generally tax deductible, you should consult with your tax advisor.
For more information contact the Campaign Office at 310-540-0329.